Friday, April 23, 2010

Joys of a boy

I have two stories for anyone who decides to continue reading.   You always hear mothers say, "Oh, what it's like to be a mother of a boy!"  Well, I've had my first taste... smell...errr... let's just say moment of being a mother of a boy.  Now, I get the boy play, toys, sense of humor, etc.  I'd also say it's safe to say (and my mother would agree) that I've always been a tom boy with a boy's sense of humor.  "Lewd Crude, and Rude" that what my mom would say.   What can I say I was a Daddy's girl.    Well, the past two days have been somewhat beyond even what I can stand.    The first one was the latter incident, but not as gross.  I'll save the other for last for those of you who decide to stop.  

Yesterday Josiah was out in the yard playing with sister.  When I finished washing dishes I went out to check on them.  I noticed Jojo's pants were on funny and his shirt was tucked into his underwear.  That meant one thing.  He had gone pee in the yard.  He's very into peeing in the grass where ever he's at and watching Sadie poop in the grass.  So I asked him if he had peed in the grass and this is out the conversation went.

mom:  Did you go pee?
jojo: No, I went poop in the grass
mom: show me where (so sister won't get in it)
jojo: walks and points
mom: where, right here?
jojo: Yeah, Sadie ate it. 
mom: are you sure?
jojo: yeah

I look in his pants and of course there are plenty of skid marks.  Let get clean undies on.

mom: why did you poop in the grass
jojo: Sadie poops in the grass!

Then this next story actually made me throw up in my mouth!  

I was driving and Josiah sneezed.  "Mommy I need a kleenex. I have snot".  I look back and see it's not that bad so I tell him to wipe it on his sleeve.  Normally if I'm in my van I have a kleenex box right next to me prepared for these incidents.  " Mommy, I have a boogie!"  I look back to see the biggest grossest booger.  I starting searching for something, anything to give him.  Dirty napkin.  "Here Jojo use this!"   He just looks at me and smiles and then opens his mouth.  Vomit...swallow.   I continue looking forward, breathing, and just can't look back.  I can here him literally chewing, like it's a piece of gum.  Now that's disgusting!  Then I finally say, "Jojo we don't eat boogies."   

Jojo's reply, of course, 
"Sadie eats boogies."  

Maybe this is just preparing me for loose teeth and scabs.  vomit.


Anonymous said...

I don't think there is anything to say about this, except this too will pass.

Jenn said...

Oh Jojo! Such a little rogue!

Anonymous said...

Like Mommy like son.....I see some very familiar traits going on xo

Anonymous said...

I hope you are recording these events so they can be shared with his fiance at a future date. He is such a funny little guy and always full of surprises. Grammy

mary @ trusty chucks said...

I remembered to finally look for this after you telling me about it...that is so disgusting. Seriously, I was just going to eat some ice cream and have now decided not to. Thanks. Barf.