Monday, August 26, 2013

Pre-k for the 4 year old

Lillian started Pre-K this week.  To say she loved it would be an understatement. 
So far she has loved everything about it. 

She actually likes getting her hair done in the morning. Which worries me.  She wanted it perfectly curled like a freshman going to prom.  She knew she wanted a side ponytail and would pick up pieces that weren't curled to her liking.  As you'll notice her hair doesn't even hold curl well.

She likes getting dressed in the morning.  As most of you know Lillian has her own sense of self.  Luckily or maybe sadly she hasn't requested a dance outfit on a school day yet.

She loves making her bed right now.  Like almost OCD likes making it.  We had her all ready for school, shoes on (which is a big deal) and ready to go.  I find her in her room insisting that her bed be made perfect before we leave and with her shoes off... to say I overreacted may be an understatement. 
Sorry Lillian.

Striking her signature pose

Gotta love it when I get in the picture with my babies once in a while

Josiah taking the group shot

Way too big. No hesitation
Miss Dawn.  They are going to be a perfect pair.
Peanut butter Lillian

Stay tuned for School according to Lillian.


Christine said...

It is so wonderful how much she likes it. Does she really have to wear shoes to school? I think she will always march to a different drummer, but that is fine....cause that makes her our Lillian.

Weewa said...

Such a little treasure !!! The pictures say it all.