Monday, June 23, 2008

Father's Day and food

I'm a little late on this, but I wanted to wish Grant a Happy Father's Day. He is such a wonderful dad to Josiah and husband to me. He gives so much of himself to help with Josiah and to take care of the house. Jojo and I are so lucky.

A couple of weeks ago I tried two new foods with Jojo. The cottage cheese didn't go over so well as you can see. I was fixing the rest of his lunch and when I turned around it was everywhere. Then he also got to eat a bagel. Once again I wasn't watching (I really don't leave him by himself all the time) and when I looked he was balancing the bagel on his head. He was really serious about it until I started laughing. Then he thought it was great. I got some great video footage of it also. The only problem now is that he thinks that most foods should be on top of his head.

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