Josiah has been asking the simple hard questions about God lately. It's been so cute and makes me think about things differently also. I'll record a couple of our conversations here.
He's looking at a box he made in sunday school that says, "Jesus loves Josiah"
Jo: Does Jesus love me?
me: He loves you so much. More than anyone in the whole world
Jo: {thinking} So is Daddy Jesus?
We are sitting at the kitchen table. Lillian is eating a banana.
Jo: Did God make the world?
me: Yes, He did
Jo: Does God make bananas
Me: Yes, He does
Jo: Why?
Me: He makes them grow so that we will have food to eat
Jo: Does God love me?
Me: Yes He loves you very much
Jo: Why do I love God?
Me: uhhh.... Because He loves you so much and He wants you to love Him just as much so that you can go to Heaven with Him someday.
Jo: I love God....Sissy, do you love God?
Me: Yes, Sissy loves God ( I look over and she's shaking her banana face "no")
Jo: Mommy, Sissy says she doesn't love God!
In Lillian's defense that girl loves to say dinner prayer. She doesn't really touch her food until we do. She sits there, folds here hands together, then finishes up with the cutest "amen". Sometimes during her meal she will have to stop just to say "amen."