Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pretty Ears

June Bug had been so excited to get Lillian's ear pierced.  So I decided for her birthday I would finally take the plunge.  Now I always thought I would get my little girl's ears pierced when she was a baby like my mom did when I was a baby.  When it came down to it I always had a reason why it wasn't the right time.  For one thing it's crazy how strongly people feel on the subject of ear piercing.  As with most things in parenting, I don't have a really strong opinion on what the "right" thing to do is.  I could see the pros and cons both ways.  The only thing I knew from my experience is that I don't remember the pain of getting mine done,  don't remember the fear or having to make that decision as a "X" year old.  So with some encouragement from my Grandma or maybe it was the challenge that she thought I would back out, we decided to get it done.   It wasn't that bad and I'm happy that this is a gift she'll have from her great grandma for the rest of her life.  Or maybe Lillian will hate me for the rest of her life for having her subjected to the pain at such a young age and stripping her of the right to choose what holes to put in her body.  Although I'm sure someday it'll be me begging her not to put in anymore holes. 

She sat like such a big girl.

This was serious business

The moment before

 during the middle of the act

all over.  
"Let's look at your pretty earrings in the mirror"

 Oh wait! I forgot to tell them that she is a complete drama queen when she looks in the mirror.  So the floods gates opened wide... just for a minute, then stopped as quickly as they began...
 .... because she got a sucker!  All better.

 Walking through the mall happily with June Bug.

I must admit it wasn't as bad as I expected.  I really wanted to take her to an actual tattoo/piercer.  It's worse when I take her to get her shots.  Then she does the "silent scream" before the real tears come.  This was super quick and the holes were nicely placed on her ears.


Anonymous said...

What a "big" girl she was. I can't wait to buy her a pair of earrings. Love, Grammy.

Anonymous said...

She looks adorable !! She is such a girly little tomboy...just like her Mommy xoxo Mom