Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I haven't sat down to update pictures lately. Here is a "picture post" to update you on new accomplishments. This is what happens when daddy sits him down at the table with cereal and a truck by himself.
I couldn't resist posting this one when I saw his face in the background.
This is what happens the same morning while mommy is getting ready.
It was close to a shark feeding frenzy once Lillian came over to get some, Sadie was snatching them up, and I'm trying to clean them up, all the while Josiah's mad that he can't have what he called his "big cereal."
Lillian is very into self feeding. She will bite the spoon and not let go until I give her the spoon to feed herself.
My solution: give her a spoon while I feed her with a different one.
Jojo all wrapped up in Sister's headbands.
He grabbed them quickly and I forgot he had them until he came in trying to say "edban"with those in his mouth. It quickly morphed into his version of a helmet which I'll have to post another time.
Lillian with Jensen.
He is such a good little boy and not to mention way too stinkin' cute. She was so excited to have him around for the day. So much so she couldn't quite keep herself off of him. She did get really jealous when I'd give him a bottle.
Jojo with his "me-me" and Sophia with her "nonnie"

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Oh. my. gosh. I LOVE that truck picture w/him in the back ground. You're right Jensen is too cute for words! Great post! Thanks!