This week has been an exciting week. I realized Josiah can do more things than I think. I just have to ask and he usually willingly does them. We also had three epidsodes this week that were very unpleasant. He pooped in the bathtub twice and in his toy box once! Disgusting!!! Probably the grossest things to date to clean up. I'm sure there will be yuckier things later... such as loose teeth. They turn my stomach just thinking about them.
On a much lighter note, Lillian has rolled over. She's been working on it for a little bit now, but today was the first day that I couldn't keep her on her back. Now I have to be careful with the bed, couch, changing table, and all that kind of stuff. We made a venture to the mall today. Grant and Eric watched the kids while I went into Dick's all by myself. I think he now understands why I just don't "run" to the grocery, the mall, or out for an errand with them by myself. No way Jose! It's way more work than it's worth. Not to mention my that my closest enjoyment to shopping anymore is "shopping" in the grocery store. I'd rather eat stale bread and drink soured milk than take them both with me. Although I am counting down the days until I can drop the kids off at mom's, aunt's, or a stranger's and go shopping for three solid hours, going down each and every aisle at Marshall's. Sounds like pure heaven, almost until my gift card runs out.
Well enough daydreaming. Back to reality where I'm typing this with the computer propped on the toilet while Josiah takes a bath. let's just hope I don't have to give the bathtub another bath after Josiah's done with it.
Lillian holding her bottle
He wanted to eat his eggs with his "dig". He surprisingly did a good job.
1 comment:
LOL!!!! I love to "shop" at the grocery store too! I still think those pictures of him with the spade are hilarious!
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