We are so happy to announce that Lillian Louise Kissel is finally here. She was born yesterday, September 13, at 2:54 am. She weighed in at 6lb 12 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. So far she has been one sleepy baby. I think I've seen her awake for maybe 3 hours since she was born. I know that will all change the minute we walk through our door. Josiah was excited to meet his new sister. He new right away that she was a baby. We were all nicely surprised that he was gentle with her. It was a very special moment for all of our family to be together for the first time.
We had a wonderful birth experience. It was pretty short and sweet. The contractions started out mild and about 2 minutes apart around 6pm. We left for the hospital around 11 and when I was checked at triage at the hospital at 12:00 I was dilated to 4.5 cm and 100% effaced. We made it to our room before I got in the labor tub I was at 7cm. When I got out of the tub after being in there for about 30 min or so I was to 9 1/2 cm. I labored a little longer then the doctor came in and broke my water. After about 5 contractions I asked what we were waiting for and the doc told me she was waiting for me to say I was ready. So I said it's time. I pushed during 2 contractions and then she was in this world. It was an amazing experience.
Anyone that wants to come visit just give me a call. We will be going home tomorrow and I'll be off of work until the beginning of November. Of course, the invitaion stands beyond then also. I want to thank you for all of your support and prayers. We want to thank the Lord for blessing our family with a healthy beautiful daughter and sister.
so happy for you guys! she is beautiful!
What a beautiful family! Congratulation and I can't wait to get my hands on her.
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