Well, I can't believe it. I can't believe my little baby boy is now 1 year old. People say how fast time goes once you have a child. It's hard to imagine that a year ago we just welcomed him into our world and how fast our world became his. He is so much more than we could have ever imagined and we still mention everyday how cute, funny, or amazing he is to us. God sure does know what he is doing. I've posted some pictures of Josiah from his birth day.
Sadly we don't have any pictures from the day he turned 1. I wanted to at least write this on May 2, but it didn't work out that way. As many of you may now know, he became very sick on Thursday. I just figured it was the 24 hour bug. On Saturday morning he still wasn't well and Grant and my mom had caught the same thing. I decided to call his Birthday Bash off. I was so bummed about it especially since we had family fly in from out of town. The weeks of excitement and stress of planning a party all went down the drain. I know it was the right thing to do though. He was miserable and obviously contagious. So when I got home from work he was sicker, paler, lifeless, and looking very gaunt. He still hadn't kept anything down and we had to get him some help. We decided to take him to the ER. I have a weird thing about ERs and they are definately the last resort. He had to get an IV of fluids and after being there for 4 hours he was physically looking better although he wasn't feeling much better yet. During the whole needle poking incident it made me so grateful that we had a healthy boy. I think I was crying more that he is healthy than for his momentarily physical pain. I can't imagine having a chronically ill child. So today he rested alot, drank water, and finally started to eat some. I know it'll be a few days before he is the crazy little Jojo that we love.
Looking back it has been a wonderful year. Josiah has taught us so much about love and ourselves, given us so many laughs, and filled us with more joy than we thought was ever possible. We love you Josiah and want to wish you a very Happy Belated Birthday.
Happy Birthday Josiah, you have given us so much joy this past year. A bad day just goes away when you smile at us. You make us laugh when you wrinkle your nose at your food. You are a blessing in our lives.
Love, Aunt Christine and Uncle John
jess...how is it that you look so good after just giving birth? seriously..
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