Thursday, October 30, 2008


All of us on the beach together, that's cousin danny
Noah dancing with Lillian, in his words "She's so beautiful" Mom and Lillian
Look at the cutie smile from Lillian
We tried to dig a hole deep enough for Jojo to fit in
He didn't like it when the water hit our feet because it was so cold
Nathanael and Niko
Can you see the evil in his eye?
We had a wonderful time in Sunny California. We had too many pictures to share them all. The kids did well on the flights and decent with the time change. My mom was so nice and offered to fly out there with Lillian and I so that Jojo could go and see his cousins. It was so much fun to share all the time with my sister and her family. My nephews are getting so big and grown up. My sister fell in love with Josiah. I knew she would because his onryness is so irresistable. We also were able to visit with my cousins Danny and Erin. They had moved 3 days earlier just 20 minutes away from Jennifer. The weather was really nice. It actually got hot for the first time when I've been out there. I always hate saying goodbye. I wish they lived closer. Our time out there is never long enough, but luckily memories last forever.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Grammy's quilt

Grant's mom made a beautiful quilt for Josiah. She started it after he was born and finished it right after LIllian was born. It's really big so I'm putting it away for him until he is older and has a king size bed. :) She put so much of her heart and time in the quilt and it really shows. Thank you so much Grammy! If you go down a couple of post I was able to put some of the pictures up that Amanda Elpers took. They are so wonderful.

Monday, October 13, 2008


The Dress Grant's Aunt Karen made
Josiah was playing in the dirt then rubbed his eyes Little Lillian

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lillian's gallery

Amanda finished up Lillian's photos. They are so wonderful. By now I'm sure everyone knows the drill. Go to Amanda Elpers Photography... Potraits... Clients...password: Lillian. Amanda always does such a fantastic job capturing our family. Thanks Amanda!!! Lillian is still a really good baby. I woke her up today because after 4 1/2 hours of sleep I was ready for her to eat. Grant has been great as he gives her a night bottle so that I only have to wake up with her around 4. It's been wonderful. She is so mild mannered and doesn't mind her big brother driving trucks on her, pulling her by her legs, or his wet kisses on her head. Josiah has had a better week this week. Last night he took my nursing pad and tried to put it down the front of his shirt. It was so hilarious! Today he completely took apart a candle lighter, butane and all in less than five minutes. He makes us laugh all the time. We have such a wonderful family that actually calls to take him for the day. He's talking up a storm, still obsessed with tractors, and always trying to snatch up his sister's pacifer. We can't believe that Lillian is going to be 4 weeks old on Saturday, our baby boy is no longer a baby, and that Grant and I will be celebrating our 7 year anniversary on Monday. God has been so good to us. He has blessed us in so many ways .